Members Newsletter – November 2024

After more than two years of collaboration, information gathering, global workshopping, testing, and an in-depth co-design process, we have an Open Source AI Definition

The purpose of version 1.0 is to establish a workable standard for developers, researchers, and educators to consider how they may design evaluations for AI systems’ openness. The meaningful ability to fork and control their AI will foster permissionless, global innovation. It was important to drive a stake in the ground so everyone has something to work with. It’s version 1.0, so going forward, the process allows for improvement, and that’s exactly what will happen.

Over 150 individuals were part of the OSAID forum, nearly 15K subscribers to the OSI newsletter were kept up-to-date with the latest news about the OSAID, 2M unique visitors to the OSI website were exposed to the OSAID process. There were 50+ co-design working group volunteers representing 29 countries, including participants from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Future versions of OSAID will continue to be informed by the feedback we receive from various stakeholder communities. The fundamental principles and aim will not change, but, as our (collective) understanding of the technology improves and technology itself evolves, we might need to update to clarify or even change certain requirements. To enable this, the OSI  Board voted to establish an AI sub-committee  who will develop appropriate mechanisms for updating the OSAID in consultation with stakeholders. It will be fully formed in the months ahead.

Please continue to stay involved, as diverse voices and experiences are required to ensure Open Source AI works for the good of us all

Stefano Maffulli

Executive Director, OSI 

I hold weekly office hours on Fridays with OSI members: book time if you want to chat about OSI’s activities, if you want to volunteer or have suggestions.

News from the OSI

The Open Source Initiative Announces the Release of the Industry’s First Open Source AI Definition

Open and public co-design process culminates in a stable version of Open Source AI Definition, ensures freedoms to use, study, share and modify AI systems.

Other highlights:

OSI in the news

Open-source AI must reveal its training data, per new OSI definition

Article from ZDNet

For 25 years, OSI’s definition of open-source software has been widely accepted by developers who want to build on each other’s work without fear of lawsuits or licensing traps. Now, as AI reshapes the landscape, tech giants face a pivotal choice: embrace these established principles or reject them.

Other highlights:

Other news

News from OSI affiliates:

News from


The State of Open Source Survey

In collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation and Open Source Initiative (OSI).


OSI US Policy Manager

Lead OSI’s public policy agenda and education.

Bloomberg OSPO is Hiring

Bloomberg is seeking a Technical Architect to join their OSPO team.


Upcoming events:


  • FOSDEM 2025 EU-Policy Devroom – event being organized by the OSI, OpenForum Europe, Eclipse Foundation, The European Open Source Software Business Association, the European Commission Open Source Programme Office, and the European Commission.
  • PyCon US 2025: the Python Software Foundation kicks off Website, CfP, and Sponsorship!

Thanks to our sponsors

New sponsors and renewals

  • GitHub

Interested in sponsoring, or partnering with, the OSI? Please see our Sponsorship Prospectus and our Annual Report. We also have a dedicated prospectus for the Deep Dive: Defining Open Source AI. Please contact the OSI to find out more about how your company can promote open source development, communities and software.

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