Open Source AI Definition – weekly update Mar 11

Big week, marked by the release of draft 0.0.6! The document is available for live comments and more general comments on the forum.

Changes in the section “What is open source AI”

  • added, “Precondition to exercise these freedoms is to have access to the preferred form to make modifications to the system.” With an example of what this looks like for a machine learning system
  • checklist to evaluate legal documents: the component details are presented. They reflect the results of the working groups
  • Change in wording from “license” to “legal document”

The preamble is left untouched, more discussion seems to be needed.

We held our fifth town hall meeting this previous Friday, the 8th of March.

Click here to access the recording

Why were these 4 systems picked and not others? Will more AI systems be analyzed?

  • (Participant question) out of 4 working groups, 2 refer to models under proprietary licenses. Of the 4 groups, 3 refer to LLMs. The Groups do not reflect what will (likely) be in the definition, therefore, it is a waste of time for OSI to consider them when crafting a definition.
  • (OSI response) It is important to have a diversified analysis, as at this stage, we are considering how the models operate rather than their license. The objective of the working groups was to identify the required components to exercise the 4 freedoms, and we found them to be quite similar. 

Next steps: Analyze a combination of each of the systems, which systems have these components, and find and review their accompanying legal documents. Follow this thread on the forum if you want to help.

How will the Open Source AI Definition and the “classic” OSD interact?

  • An interesting question was raised for which there should be an answer once the Open Source AI Definition gets closer to being feature complete.