OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:08 UTC.
Board Members
- Deborah Bryant, Director
- Richard Fontana, Director
- Martin Michlmayr, Secretary
- Simon Phipps, President
- Luis Villa, Director
- Tony Wasserman, Director
Expected, but Not Present
- Harshad Gune, Director
- Bruno Souza, Director (joined later; after the vote was cast)
Sent Regrets
- Karl Fogel, Treasurer
- Mike Milinkovich, Director
- Vote on offer letter for General Manager
Staffing Committee (Bryant)
The staffing committee has completed their due diligence on GM candidate Patrick Masson and recommends to offer the position to Masson.
The staffing committee provides the draft offer letter for approval.
Vote on offer letter for General Manager
Phipps moves to make an offer to the candidate as described. Wasserman seconds. Michlmayr asked every board member to cast a vote. There were 6 votes in favor and no votes against. The motion passed. Bryant will send the offer letter to Masson.
Phipps would like to meet with Masson one day before the San Francisco face-to-face meeting to help bring Masson on board. Wasserman moves that OSI will cover the expenses for the staffing committee to spend one extra night in San Francisco. Michlmayr seconded. The motion passed by general consent.
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9, 2013.
Meeting adjourned at 15:20 UTC.