OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 8:05am PDT.
1. Mr. Ken Coar, Director
2. Ms. Danese Cooper, Secretary and Treasurer
3. Mr. Russell Nelson, Director
4. Mr. Michael Tiemann, President
5. Mr. Martin Michlmayr, Director
6. Mr. Bruno Souza, Director
7. Mr. Harshad Gune, Director
8. Ms. Alolita Sharma, Director
9. Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma, Director
10. Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Director (left early)
1. Mr. Zak Greant
2. Mr. Ernest Prabhakar
Not Attending:
1. Mr. Andrew C. Oliver
2. Mr. Bdale Garbee
3. Mr. Merrill Freund (Schwartz Communications)
4. Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel
1. Approval of minutes
Ms. Cooper moved that we vote to approve edited minutes for public approval May 14, 2008. Seconded by Ms. Sharma. Motion carries by general consent.
2. Officer reports
a) President’s Report:
b) General Counsel’s Report:
c) Secretary’s Report:
Discussion of updating Web with new board members info.
d) Treasurer’s Report:
Current cash: Report on funds and status of fundraising.
Progress report on 990 Forms
3. Committee Reports
Licensing Committee
a) Licensing Committee (Mr. Nelson) — See report on email.
Discussion, “Can we turn all our copies of licenses into templates?”
b) Retirement of Artistic License 1.0 — Discussion of whether to establish precedent to retire Artistic 1.0 per request of Fedora.org. Mr. Nelson will contact the Perl Foundation
Membership Committee
a) Membership (see Membership Strawman: Final questions about first mailing, also discuss co-announcement of organizational affiliate program?
Mr. Nelson will be the point person on organizing an affiliate program before OSCON for co-announcement.
Ms. Cooper is the point person for Charter Membership. Edits to drafted letter, which Ms. Cooper will send out today.
4. Old Business
a) Discussion of hosting:
Mr. Greant lead a discussion concerning hiring a part-time system administrator. Mr. Greant would assume an unpaid Staff position so he can oversee. Mr. Tiemann makes a motion that we allocate 6 months worth of budget for payment of an system administrator with renewal with 3-month window. Ms. Cooper will Ask Mr. Radcliffe to work up a contract.
Mr. Tiemann moves that we allocate $8000 for initial migration of the Trac instance and other hosting (Mr. Greant working on wording)
b) Selection of new Board member to handle trademark issues
Mr. Tiemann agreed to take on this role in future.
c) TRAC (see Vancouver Trac Weekend Jam)
Still working to find a suitable date for this meeting. Preference is that it be before OSCON.
5. New Business
a) Board Participation Requirements – Ms. Cooper asks for a roll call of Board Members present in this meeting to acknowledge that minimum participation requirements exist in the by-laws. Mr. Coar will update the online bylaws to reflect all the amendments.
b) OSCON Face to Face – Confirmed dates (July 23-27).
Ms. Cooper will bring tee-shirts, will order more 2X shirts. Start of attendee list and agenda here OSCON 2008
c) Decommission of concluded/abandoned initiatives (Mr. Coar):
- Licensing Wizard – still active. Ms. Cooper will re-ping Mr. Raymond.
- Business Practices – Mr. Coar moved that we close this committee, Mr. Tiemann seconded. Passed by general consent.
- Open Standards – Mr. Coar moved that we appoint Mr. Nelson as chair of Open Standards committee. Mr. Tiemann seconded. Passed by general consent.
- License Proliferation – Mr. Nelson, as former co-chair, has reverted to chair of this committee.
Ms. Cooper moved to adjorn the meeting, Mr. Tiemann seconded. Meeting Adjourned 10:01 PDT.