OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Mr. Michael Tiemann, President
Ms. Danese Cooper, Secretary / Treasurer
Mr. Russ Nelson, Director
Mr. Ken Coar, Director
Ms. Alolita Sharma, Director
Mr. Raju Mathur, Director
Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel
Mr. Russ Nelson, Director (@ 8:20am PDT)
Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Director (@ 8:30am PDT)
Mr. Bruno Souza, Director (@ 8:45am PDT)
Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma, Director (@ 9:20am PDT)
Quorum Established 8:10AM PDT.
1) Accept board minutes for public consumption
2) Assign second set of old minutes for rework
3) OSCON Activities
4) 2007 Goals Checkpoint
5) Followup on OSIA (Wil Roger)
6) Book listing policy (Larry Rosen wants to be listed on http://opensource.org/links)
7) PR interface discussion (automated input format for board approval)
8) Generating publishable materials for open source compendia (http://www.polimetrica.com/)
9) Wizard Work
10) Committee Reports
1) Discussion of editing rules for Previous Board Minutes:
Mr. Coar moved to approve the 6 groups of minutes already edited March 7, 2005 – July 13, 2005, Mr. Tiemann seconded and motion is passed by general consent.
2) Assign additional of old minutes for rework,
3) OSCON 2007:
Ms. Cooper moved to publish OSI OSCON Activites on public website. Mr. Tiemann seconded and motion is passed by general assent
4) Goals Recap:
a) Mr. Ghosh made a presentation about OSI and Public Policy
b) Mr. Souza gave a presentation of his thinking on Membership, User Groups and what issues OSI needs to work out. Ms. Nwakanma gave her perspective on membership in Africa.
5) Followup on OSAIA (Wil Roger) – held over for July 23, 2007 F2F Board Meeting
6) Book listing policy (Which books qualify for listing on http://opensource.org/links) – held over for July 23, 2007 F2F Board Meeting
7) PR interface discussion (automated input format for board approval) – held over for July 23, 2007 F2F Board Meeting
8) Generating publishable materials for open source compendia (http://www.polimetrica.com/) – held over for July 23, 2007 F2F Board Meeting
9) Wizard Work – held over for July 23, 2007 F2F Board Meeting (note Wizard work will not happen at OSCON, but rather at a meeting in San Francisco in the week of August 13, 2007)
Committee Reports:
a) License Committee (Mr. Nelson owner)
Simple Public License resubmitted, discussion about revisiting our policy with regard to our trademark.
Mr. Coar moved that we reaffirm OSI stance on considering licenses based on their OSD compliance rather than any other criteria, Mr. Mathur seconded. Discussion included Mr. Tiemann’s recollection of Dave’s License.
Ayes: Raj Mathur, Ken Coar
Nays: Mr. Tiemann, Mr. Souza, Ms. Cooper, Ms. Sharma. Motion did not carry.
Mr. Nelson will put forward a proposal to help the board understand the boundaries of its discretionary powers.
Mr. Tiemann moved to adjourn, Mr. Coar seconded. Approved by general consent at 10:15am PDT.