Board members Justin Colannino Josh Berkus Carlo Piana Tracy Hinds Gael Blondelle Pamela Chestek Thierry Carrez Anne-Marie Scott Sayeed Choudhury Catharina Maracke Chris Aniszczyk
Guests Stefano Maffulli
Quorum reached at 08:04
Justin moves to approve last month’s minutes. Tracy seconds. All others approve.
The Board discussed the nomination and election of Board officers and the need to document some operational procedures.
Motion (Pam Chestek): That Tracy Hinds is elected as Chair, and that Thierry Carrez is elected to continue serving as Vice-Chair, effective from November 1 2024
Second (Carlo Piana).
All others in favor. Tracy and Thierry abstain.
Motion (Pam Chestek): That Anne-Marie Scott is elected as Treasurer, and that Josh Berkus is elected to continue serving as Vice-Treasurer, effective from November 1 2024
Second (Catharina Maracke).
All others in favor. Josh and Anne-Marie abstain.
Motion (Pam Chestek): That Gael Blondelle is elected as Secretary, and that Sayeed Choudhury is elected to serve as Vice-Secretary, effective from November 1 2024
Second (Anne-Marie Scott).
All others in favor. Gael and Sayeed abstain.
The Board discussed three recommendations from the license committee.
Motion (Pam Chestek): That the Open Source Protection License does not conform to the OSD and assure software freedom and the license is therefore not approved as an Open Source Initiative Certified license.
Second (Josh Berkus).
All others in favor.
Motion (Pam Chestek): That the MIT-CMU License be approved as an Open Source Initiative Certified license in the Redundant with More Popular category of licenses.
Second (Josh Berkus).
All others in favor.
Motion (Pam Chestek): That the Los Alamos National Labs BSD-3 Variant License be approved as an Open Source Initiative Certified license in the Non-Reusable category of licenses.
Second (Anne-Marie Scott).
All others in favor.
Stef briefly shares the monthly financial report. Reserves are healthy and fundraising continues towards targets.
The Board discussed progress on the Open Source AI Definition. Stef provides an overview of the path and process to be used to achieve the public release of OSAID in October. The Board discussed the information about the global co-design process that it requires in order to approve the final release at the October Board meeting.
The Board discussed the status of the current AI Committee.
Motion (Justin Colannino): That the membership of the AI Committee be updated to appoint Sayeed Choudhury as Chair, and Pam Chestek and Carlo Piana as Board representatives. The Committee is empowered to update the charter and membership as necessary to meet the maintenance needs of OSAID.
Second (Pam Chestek).
All others in favor.
The process to be used for feedback on KPIs was discussed.
The Board discussed setting up a mechanism for supporting OSI work at ATO and in the finalization of OSAID.
Motion (Josh Berkus): That a mediation team be formed to handle complaints at and around the OSAID in-person events and town halls, according to a process to be adopted by the Executive Director; that Nick Vidal be appointed as the staff member; that Anne-Marie Scott be appointed as the Board member; that the Community Member of the mediation team be identified by Josh and Stefano.
Second (Justin Colannino)
All others in favor.
Chris Aniszczyk left the meeting at 09:48
The Board discussed a request from other entities regarding litigation concerning Open Source licenses.
Justin Colannino and Sayeed Choudhury left the meeting at 10:00
The Board discussed retaining Adam Goodman for strategic support.
Motion (Anne-Marie Scott): That Adam Goodman be retained for a period of 3 months, at a cost of approximately $32k, to support the Executive Director and the Board from the October in-person Board meeting to the end of 2024.
Second (Tracy Hinds).
All others in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:04