August 19, 2022
Board Members
Aeva Black, Justin Colannino, Catharina Maracke, Pamela Chestek, Thierry Carrez, Tracy Hinds, Carlo Piana, Josh Berkus (late)
Amanda Brock
Stefano Maffulli, Phyllis Dobbs, Deb Bryant, Simon Phipps
Quorum reached at 08:04
Approval of previous minutes
Aeva called attention to the minutes and asked for review.
Pam motioned to approve. Justin seconded. All present approved.
Operational Update
Stefano invites Phyllis, Simon, and Deb to join the meeting.
Stefano shared a status update regarding the DD:AI podcast trailer and first episode. Tracy suggests board members do more content promotion. Stef asks for board members to help connect him to more panelists for upcoming recordings.
Stefano shares a status update on ClearlyDefined. Proposal is underway to hire a full-time staff member for two years, using existing dedicated funds, to grow and raise awareness of ClearlyDefined.
Simon presents a status update on the Policy & Standards Committee. Most EU/EC participants are still on summer holiday, and Simon continues to monitor potentially relevant litigation in Europe and US.
Deb joins us as Director of Policy in the US and shares her plan for engagement.
Josh Berkus joins us at 8:53, with apologies for technical issues.
Phyllis provides an update on budget status. Net to date is slightly behind target. Phyllis anticipates that we will catch up before EOY. Aeva thanks Phyllis, Stef, and the Finance Committee, for including a more detailed view of our financial status in the board report.
Guests, other than Stef, depart the meeting.
Catharina introduces the topic of the vice secretary position. Carlo confirms his availability to serve in this role. Catharina moves to appoint Carlo as vice secretary. Aeva seconds. All present approve.
Catharina introduces the topic of Hong Phuc’s seat vacancy, presents the two options previously discussed, leave the seat vacant or appoint someone to fill it, and opens the floor to discussion. Josh offers to make a proposal, during a future meeting, to amend our bylaws and streamline this process ahead of the 2023 election. Catharina moves to leave Hong Phuc’s seat empty until the next election. Carlo seconds. All present approve.
Stefano introduces new affiliate member applications, and the board discusses.
Board discusses the timing and content of September and October meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 09:56