November 9th 2020 Meeting Agenda
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:06 UTC.
Meeting adjourned at 26:XX UTC
Deb Bryant
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Pam Chestek
Elana Hashman
Tracy Hinds
Chris Lamb
Faidon Liambotis
Josh Simmons
Italo Vignoli
Hong Phuc Dang (XX+1:08)
Deb Nicholson
Expected, but Not Present
Sent Regrets:
Grid view of the schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wkvdhrMuqaSDpbvX43g6FV2KXltubfUcvNrBxTWjVko/edit#gid=0
November 9th,11am – 3pm ET (Daylight savings is finished in the US)
Materials you will need for November 9th: OSI Board Report on Clearly Defined Nov 2020, Incubator project graduation requirements draft, Recommendations from member survey Nov 2020, GM Report November 2020, Proposed Board Member Agreement Nov 2020, Proposed Plan to Update License Review Process Nov 2020
11-11:10 Icebreaker
11:10 – 11:20 Clearly Defined (Chris)
Doc: OSI Board Report on Clearly Defined Nov 2020
1) Highlights from the report with brief Q&A
They lost some people power, so some delays
11:20 – 11:45 Incubator Program (Chris & Elana)
Doc: Incubator project graduation requirements draft
1) High level overview of the Incubator Program (5 minutes)
We have a pretty wide spread as far as activities and initiatives
Chris and Elana wanted to decide “what graduation looks like”
With Snowdrift, the path is clear
Haven’t heard from FLOSS Desktops
Not much rush on ClearlyDefined
2) Discussion: Aspects that work well, aspects that could use improvement (15 minutes)
Not software projects, but other initatives
Deb B. advocating for “stepping back”
The way we value the program shoudn’t be based on a single use case
Maybe look at this again at the end of our Strategic Planning process
We could still always do fiscal sponsorships without doing the additional work that we do for incubators
We do still need to some clean up on the list of projects
Deb of the North to remove all but our remaining active incubator projects from the website
3) Key takeaways to bring into our strategic planning process (5 minutes)
Revisit this whole program at the end of our Strategic Planning process
Any new revamped program should have its work done by staff in the future, as soon as that’s possible
We should be transparent about how much staff time is being spent
Prioritizing from
11:45 – 12:15 Membership Survey Recommendations (Elana)
Doc: Recommendations from member survey Nov 2020
1) Review Elana’s recommendations based on the report
We are going to publish a summary
The number one recommendation was to increase visibility for the things we’re already doing
We should also be seen to be engaging more with our critics
We should be advocating for and doing more to bridge the wider open source community
A short document about what OSI is doing, that could be sent to Affiliates
Something that could be forwarded
Like our quarterly newsletter? Yes, but shorter and for a non-English audience
Deb of the North: Retool the format of our newsletter so that it’s more friendly for non-native English speakers
Either with a summary or with shorter bits
2) Consider the implications for OSI strategy
12:15 – 1pm General Manager Report (Deb of the North)
Doc: GM Report November 2020
1) What’s been done
2) What’s coming
3) Q&A
Redoing the “priorities” spreadsheet in a way that is focused on separating the next 6 months vs. the next year or so
With the new ED, we’d do a fresh annual planning process
Perhaps in December
There is no strategy for recruiting Affiliates
1pm – 1:15 BREAK
1:15 – 1:45 FUN
1:45 – 2:30 Board Agreement (Megan)
Proposed Board Member Agreement Nov 2020
Motion (Deb B): Adopt the proposed Board Agreement as presented today as policy directors are required to sign on an annual basis.
Second (Italo).
Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
2:30 – 3pm License Review Process (Deb of the North)
Proposed Plan to Update License Review Process Nov 2020
1) Overview of plan and methodology
The current system has an entrenched power system in it
The new system shouldn’t
Be wary of technical objections that mask other objections
People didn’t offer comments on the Licensing Review Process in the Membership Survey
Meeting and logistics freedback
Google invites aren’t quite working optimally for everyone
+1 include each day’s video link in the agenda
November 10th 2020 Meeting Agenda
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:02 UTC.
Meeting adjourned at 26:XX UTC
Deb Bryant
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Pam Chestek
Hong Phuc Dang
Elana Hashman
Tracy Hinds
Chris Lamb
Faidon Liambotis
Italo Vignoli
Josh Simmons
Deb Nicholson
Expected, but Not Present
Sent Regrets:
Grid view of the schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wkvdhrMuqaSDpbvX43g6FV2KXltubfUcvNrBxTWjVko/edit#gid=0
November 10th, 11am – 3pm ET (Daylight savings is finished in the US)
Materials you will need for November 10th: OSI_Budget 2021 Executive Director Job Details, Building a Bridge to a Stronger OSI
11-11:15 Icebreaker Deb of the North
11:15 – 12:00 Hiring head of OSI (Megan)
Executive Director Job Details
Building a Bridge to a Stronger OSI
Tracy, Elana, and Hong Phuc have all agreed to review the ED job description before it goes live.
Two part discussion, is the logic for compensation sound? Can we afford this?
Staffing committee has a little more homework to do, but there is general agreement around this structure
12:00 – 1pm Annual Budget (Tracy)
OSI_Budget 2021
The board made some siggestions for adjustments to the budget; reducing travel for 2021, planning for community and comms hirings to wait until after an ED is hired and looking at which revenue sources will continue and which may not.
1pm – 1:15 BREAK
1:15 – 1:45 FUN
Group 1: Tracy, Italo, Josh, Faidon
Group 2: Deb, Hong Phuc, Elana
Group 3: Pam, Megan, Chris
1:50 – 2:30 More Budget (Tracy & Deb of the North) OSI_Budget 2021
We decided that we would send any feedback on budget to the Finance Committee by Dec 3
Increasing (active) membership from 600 to 800 seems doable, 1000 might be a bit of a stretch
State of the Source, we’ve put that in to do a second time with similar income
Seems like we want to hire the ED in the mid of the year
We spent some time looking into the details of our legal and professional fees
2:40 – 3:00 Standards & Licensing update Pam
Pam has put together a small, diverse working group to look at licenses
Including some that haven’t hit the list
We want to be more comprehensive and get as many licenses
This work will probably be done through a mailing list
Simon sent a document, but basically we want to be at the table to make sure that nobody rewrites the definition of open source becuase they are some well-funded people who are interested in controlling that conversation
The Judiciary Committee meeting — Pam wasn’t happy with it, but maybe it wasn’t harmful
Pam thinks that OSI should have more of a presence at these conversations in the future
We then discussed when performance review would happen, if not at the F2F
Staffing committee is working on a process and will be in touch soon
November 11th 2020 Meeting Agenda
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 22:02 UTC.
Meeting adjourned at 26:XX UTC
Deb Bryant
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Pam Chestek
Elana Hashman
Tracy Hinds
Chris Lamb
Faidon Liambotis
Josh Simmons
Italo Vignoli
Hong Phuc Dang
Expected, but Not Present
Sent Regrets:
Grid view of the schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wkvdhrMuqaSDpbvX43g6FV2KXltubfUcvNrBxTWjVko/edit#gid=0
11-11:10 Icebreaker
11:10 – 11:55 Fundraising (Tracy & Deb of the North)
2020 leads sheet, OSI Fundraising: Does it fit?
- Talk through the ‘does it fit OSI?’ Fundraising ideas
- How I can support the OSI as a director in fundraising
- Prior fundraising review—super quick. Can a veteran board member share the level of work that went into our fundraising for our 20th anniversary?
- Talk through what we prioritize in fundraising—
- we need YOU(to prioritize introducing 3 companies to Deb/Josh for leads). Look at 2020 leads sheet
- Next steps
- We ended up reluctant to take on a board-wide requirement to offer up a set number of fundraising contacts per year.
- We had to table the discussion for now.
11:55 – 12:05 BREAK
12:05 – 12:45 Board officers & committees (40 minutes) Josh and Hong Phuc
Possible election of a new Assistant Treasurer?
- We chose to wait on this until April when we normally look at Board Officers
- Reminder about committee chairs cultivating successors.
Revisit Finance, License, and Staffing Committee membership and charter.
- Elana Hashman joined the Staffing Committee
- Italo Vignoli joined the Finance Committee
- Motion (Josh): Add Italo Vignoli to Finance Committee and Elana Hashman to Staffing Committee.
- Second (Faidon).
- Discussion: none.
- Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
- Josh motioned
- Faidon seconded
- Motion carries unanimously
- The Standards committee is dissolved but Pam and Deb B. still meet with him to oversee his work
- TODO: Remove Patrick’s name from committees
- TODO: Add Elana and Italo to the correct mailing lists
Discussion on timing of dissolution of the Standing Committee.
- Split brain and miscommunication, Adam Goodman suggested getting rid of this committee
- Standing committee is supposed to help staff with the agenda for meetings
- No one stops the officers from meeting with each other
- Elana motioned to dissolve Standing Committee (this does not preclude officers form eeting to discuss upcoming agenda items)
- Josh seconded this
- Motion carries with 9 in favor, one opposed
- what to do with the notes and mailing list?
- Continue to use the list, rename from Ex-Comm to Officers
- [email protected]?
- Staff will initiate when agenda support is needed
1pm – 1:15 BREAK
1:15 – 2:45pm Strategic Planning Adam Goodman
2:45 – 3pm FUN
November 18th, 11am – 3pm ET (Daylight savings is finished in the US)
Materials you will need for November 18th:
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at xx:xx UTC.
Board Members
Deb Bryant
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Pam Chestek
Elana Hashman
Tracy Hinds
Chris Lamb
Faidon Liambotis
Josh Simmons
Italo Vignoli
Hong Phuc Dang
Guest: Deb Nicholson
11-11:10 Icebreaker
11:10 – 11:40 Fundraising revisited Tracy
Agreed upon line to add to board agreement:
- Contribute to promotional and fundraising activities to empower the Head of OSI and Staff
Where “Contribute to promotional and fundraising activities” would link to a separate document that isn’t the board agreement itself but is a reference document to help incoming board members and would list these ways to contribute:
- Advocate for the organization by sharing its mission and why it is personally important(especially at events)
- Attend board training opportunities related to fundraising
- Participate in board discussions to assist in developing and evaluating the organization’s fundraising strategy
- Assist with introductions for prospects identified
- Thank donors for their gifts
- Attend and invite guests to fundraising events
- Cultivate gifts by discussing organization’s work and successes with colleagues, and inform the necessary individuals (board chair, development committee, etc.) about potential donors’ levels of interest
- Participate in face-to-face meetings with staff members and potential donors
11:40 – 12:15 Discuss Board Elections, meeting scheduling (30 minutes) (Josh and Hong Phuc)
Exploration of upcoming election (in which 4 seats are up [2 individual, 2 affiliate])
How we’ll prepare potential candidates
How we’ll prepare new incoming directors.
Can/should we write about what kinds of gaps/connections/affiliations/interests we could use on the board? Absolutely not credentials.
Gaps for appointed seats, socialize activities and interest for folks consdiering running for elected seats
Do an AMA with a current board members to understand what being on the board is like
12:15 – 12:30 BREAK
12:30 – 2:00pm Strategic Planning with Adam Goodman
2:00 – 2:10pm BREAK
2:10 – 2:40 Priority setting for the next ~quarter (30 minutes) (Staffing Committee)
* What is going into the “Executive Director Parking Lot” ? (10 minutes)
* What do we need to get done in the next three months? (10 minutes)
* What groundwork (either technical or social) do we need to lay as we conduct our ED search? (10 minutes)
The December board packet will have the full comp package
Share the doc Deb N., Josh and Hong Phuc
Josh will work with Deb on the blog post that goes with the ED post
We have an action item!
Motion (Josh): adopt as our refined mission statement: “As the steward of the Open Source Definition, we serve as the foundation for the open source software ecosystem.”
Second (Megan).
Vote: 10 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
2:40 – 2:50 Share upcoming conference & event opportunities (Everyone!)
Annual list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MuuJp3t35ToScj7zLhs-7Zp7viziWOpx2MawQ3l6jSA/edit#gid=24637637
Open Forum Europe, for February, they are confirmed.
Share communities of practice
We should add more language cons, frameworks, LISA
2:50 – 3pm Meeting Feedback (Deb of the North)
Appreciated the half day structure, so I could get work done
The daily emails were really helpful
Sessions with materials and agendas sent out in advance went much better, were more productive and often finished early
This was much more organized and productive than some of the earlier meetings we’ve had
Virtual fun? Just the right amount
Next month we’ll be discussing:
ED compensation package
Getting ready for the board elections
Fundraising, materials, etc
Update on our strategic planning journey
Any other staffing topics
Update on the Incubator Program